Mission Statement
East-End Youth Football Club aim to provide a safe environment for players of all abilities, to learn, develop and enjoy playing football as a community sport, with community values.
For players to enjoy and take part in football, we will ensure that they are encouraged to:
Take an active part in the sport
Form relationships and work together
Develop their skills and improve over time
Be able to take part whatever their ability
Develop personal skills in key areas: technical, psychological, physical and social
Appreciate and demonstrate a good sporting attitude
Understand the laws of the game
Be listened to and valued
Be positive about themselves and others
For players to feel safe whilst learning and playing we will ensure that:
The Respect Code is understood and upheld by all who are involved in our club – parents, spectators, players, coaches and officials
Laws relating to child protection are maintained and the Club’s child protection policy is understood and followed
All the teams are supported by coaches qualified to at least NCC qualification and with in-date First Aid training and Safeguarding Children training.
All coaches are Access NI checked
Equipment and facilities and the maintenance of both are of the highest standard
No child will be excluded from participating in football on the grounds of gender, culture, language, racial origin, religious beliefs or sexual orientation
Club policy relating to bullying is understood and seen to be followed
For players to learn and develop we will ensure that:
Coaches place player development above a culture of ‘winning at all costs’
Coaches are well qualified and encouraged in continuing professional development
Coaches are positive, friendly and supportive to all players
Coaches’ decisions are respected and understood by parents and players
Players understand what stage they are at and how to progress
Players, parents and coaches are encouraged to get involved with the club via refereeing and coaching qualifications, running the line, joining the Committee or taking on key roles and responsibilities
Exceptional players are given opportunities beyond the club
Teams are given opportunities to play in tournaments and arrange team events
The achievements and progress of all players are celebrated at the end of the season
Every player matters to the team and to East-End F.C
For the Club to promote community sport with community values, we will ensure that:
Parents are valued, welcomed and encouraged to play a key role in supporting and bringing our ethos to life
The Club communicates its ethos clearly and consistently in all it does and through each of its members
The Respect Code is at the very heart of all we do at training and on matchday and in whatever capacity – player, spectator, coach, parent, official
The Club’s interests and achievements are well publicised, recognised and represented at all levels to celebrate and develop all we do
The Club fosters and develops partnerships with key community groups such as schools, the local and city councils and other sporting clubs to work together in the service of youth sport
We welcome and respond to feedback and input from all those associated with the Club to make us fully accountable to our members
Signed: East-End Youth Football Club Committee